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Emphasis is placed on applying critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning skills in assessing, diagnosing, and monitoring the health status of adult clients and families. Clinical practicum will focus on the application of these advanced assessment skills. RECOMMENDED TEXT Jarvis, C. (2008). Physical examination and health assessment (5th ed.). St. Louis: W.B. Saunders Co. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course the learner will be able to: BSN Program Objectives 1. Perform a comprehensive physical, psychosocial, developmental, occupational, and cultural assessment in a concise and systematic manner;1,4 2. Analyze history, physical examination, diagnostic procedures, and laboratory data to formulate a diagnostic hypothesis;1,3,43. Document health assessment data in a concise, accurate, and logical manner; 1,44. Skillfully perform selected diagnostic and laboratory procedures; and1,4,8 5. Analyze ethical, legal, and socio-cultural issues associated with advanced health-assessment issues. 9 TOPICAL LIST of REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE BASE Introduction and Orientation to Advanced Health Assessment Ethical, Legal, and Socio-cultural Issues in Advanced Health Assessment Critical Thinking, Diagnostic Reasoning, Formulation of Diagnostic Hypotheses and Differential Diagnoses Interviewing and Communication Techniques Comprehensive Health History and Systems Review, General assessment Survey, and Measurements Advanced Mental Status Assessment Pain Assessment Assessment for Domestic Violence Advanced Complete Physical Assessment (Adult, Adolescent, and Aged clients) Advanced Nutritional Assessment Integration of Advanced Health Assessment LEARNING THROUGH EXPERIENCE This course provides a basis for understanding the normal and the identification of abnormal health assessment findings. It builds on knowledge acquired through previous education and experience. Students use advanced health assessment techniques and skills to collect and analyze health data. Data are then recorded via the problem-oriented method using the most current NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses. This course underpins succeeding clinical experience. LEARNING RESPONSIBILITIES: Students are expected to: 1. Provide proficiency in health assessment skills in Human Patient Simulator Laboratory (located in the Martin Hall Nursing Complex); 2. Complete one comprehensive health history and holistic assessment with prioritized nursing diagnoses incorporating literature references; 3. Pass comprehensive exam demonstrating skill and competence in health assessment; 4. Complete a written assignment/essay concerning a selected disease process that documents a working knowledge of appropriate assessment skills needed. 5. Candidates are responsible for supplying the assessor with all needed documentation and assignments for successful completion of the PLA required course. 6. All written assignments must be word-processed using Microsoft Word, and written in paragraph form, double-spaced, and in 12 pt. font. Points will be deducted for inaccurate spelling or grammar. ADA STATEMENT Students requesting classroom accommodations or modifications because of a documented disability should contact the Access Office for Students with Disabilities located in room 1115 Nevins Hall. The phone numbers are 245-2498 (voice) and 219-1348 (tty) HIPAA STATEMENT: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) requires health care providers to abide by the regulations for privacy and confidentiality of protected health information and covers all individually identifiable health information whether the information is electronic, paper or spoken. All students are provided HIPAA guidelines and instructions for conduct regarding protection of patient/client information in each course and are responsible for implementing HIPAA standards and procedures as specified in each clinical setting in which students are placed. Violation of HIPAA may result in dismissal for the nursing program. Computer and Information Technology Requirement Students must have access to a computer which meets the minimum requirements of VSU to access Vista and Blazenet. Computer labs are available in the following locations: College of Nursing (1 open lab) Library (4 open labs) College of the Arts (3 open labs) College of Arts & Sciences (4 open labs) College of Business (1 open lab) College of Education (3 open labs) Accessing the Help Desk to gain assistance with Blazenet and Vista. Help Desk 229-245-4357  STUDENT EXPECTATIONS Students are expected to follow the Student Handbook guidelines for VSU and the College of Nursing, as posted on the VSU College of Nursing website. If the student has concerns about any of the issues presented in the handbook relating to ethical behavior and academic integrity, or any requirement please do not hesitate to discuss these concerns with the faculty teaching the course. PROFESSIONAL REQUIREMENTS Writing/Grammar Competencies Effective written and verbal communication skills are critical to your occupation as a professional who interacts with nurses, physicians, and administrators. Throughout the development of your portfolio, you will be asked to prepare written commentaries in which you will need to demonstrate descriptive, analytical, and reflective writing. If you need assistance with your writing skills, help is available from the Writing Center on campus. Course Requirements and Assignments All assignments should conform to the pr*29OPb    = P X _ v x  / N P \ ] hLh60J\jhLh6U\jhLh6U\hLh\hLh>UR\hLh6\ hF695\ hL5\ h@5\ hs5\ hXT5\ h65\ h>UR5\ h5\5P  > y  / b  3 V W e s $a$gd>UR$a$gdgdgd>URPPP   1 5 < = V W a b d e r t u x     m Ǯ咽voghF695>*\ h ->5\hLhs>*\h5>*\hsh5>*\hsh>UR5>*\hLh\hLhF\ hF5\hshF5>*\ h>UR5\ hs5\ h65\hLh6\hLh>UR>*\hLh\hLh>UR\hLhs\&s t   8KLM_`"<} $Ifgd>UR $IfgdX)gd>UR !"$&78JKLM^_`!"|_e౪ytltltltltltthLhX)\ hX)\h ->h ->5\h ->hs\ h ->5\h ->h ->\ h ->\hshs5>*\ hs5\hF69hF69\ h\hF69hF69H*\ hF696\ h26\hF69hF696\ hF69\ hL5\hsh5>*\h ->5>*\* {{{r $Ifgd>UR $IfgdX)zkd$$Ifl0a" t0644 la _`d{rr $Ifgd>UR $IfgdX)zkdJ$$Ifl0a" t0644 lade{r $Ifgd>UR $IfgdX)zkd$$Ifl0a" t0644 la )*-{{{rr $Ifgd>UR $IfgdX)zkd$$Ifl0a" t0644 la),./0<WXY!(rxyț|qiihLh(\hh>5>*L>䴳<\aJ<hB5>*\hBh>UR5>*\h0h>UR\ h0\hLhs\hLhp4q\hLhL\hLh@\ h>UR5\hp4qhp4q5>*\hp4q5>*\hp4qh>UR5>*\hLh>UR\ h ->\ hX)\(-./0XY!MwwwwnwwwH^HgdL & FgdLgd>URzkdO$$Ifl0a" t0644 la  .rFcgd($a$gd>URgd>URH^Hgd0 & Fgd>URH^HgdL & FgdLF?@X^bctuyYLMNRSĽu#h>UR5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJh05>*\h>UR5>*\ hBh>URh5 hXTh0hXTh>UR h>UR5 h05\ hB5\ h5\hLhB\hLh\hLh>URCJ<\aJ<hLh(\hLh>UR\hLhF\*ctugi&$d%d&d'dNOPQgd>URh^hgdgdgd>URMNOPQRS0yyyl  & F$Ifgd:BG $Ifgd:BG$a$gd>UR&$d%d&d'dNOPQgdB&$d%d&d'dNOPQgd>UR&$d%d&d'dNOPQgdXT S/028^l ` | \!Ƕ}ugggggYHu hBh>URCJOJQJ^JaJhBCJOJQJ^JaJh>URCJOJQJ^JaJh>URCJaJh@h>URCJaJh>UR)h0h>URB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)h0h>URB*CJOJQJ^JaJph h@h>URCJOJQJ^JaJ h@h0CJOJQJ^JaJ#h>UR5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ)h@h>UR5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ0YV \!!!!eekd$$Ifl,"" t0644 la $Ifgd:BG h$If^hgdB h$If^hgd:BG $IfgdB $Ifgd:BG \!^!d!v!x!z!!!!!!!!!!I"̷陋|tjUC7(hRh>URB*CJaJphh>URB*CJaJph#hBh>UR>*CJOJQJ^JaJ)hBh>UR5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJhBh>UR5\h/h>UR5h>UR h@h>URCJOJQJ^JaJ&h@h>UR5CJOJQJ\^JaJ#h0h>URCJOJQJ\^JaJ)h0h>URB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)h0h>URB*CJOJQJ^JaJphh>URCJOJQJ^JaJ h@h>URCJOJQJ^JaJ!!!!!j#k#l####b%c%d%e%%PPPPPPPP 7$8$H$gd=1: 7$8$H$gdB 7$8$H$gd>URgd>UR$a$gd>URgd/I"z""#i#k#l######c%e%%%%PPijqcQB424UhLB*CJ\aJphhL>*B*CJ\aJph#hLhL>*B*CJ\aJphh0B*CJ\aJphhq2B*CJ\aJph hq2h=1:B*CJ\aJph#hq2h=1:>*B*CJ\aJph h=1:5>*B*CJ\aJph h/5>*B*CJ\aJph&hBhB5>*B*CJ\aJphh0B*CJaJphhRh>URB*CJaJphh>URB*CJaJphofessional standards expected of university candidates. 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